Wednesday, July 28, 2010


akhrnya...ak dpt wat test oral eng 119 ngan jayanya...
tggal writing paper pd akhir bln nov ni..
congratulation to nawa!!bcuz u r already done the oral test today..
sbenar nyer ad cite yg ak gler xcted nk kongsi brsama..
cter nyer brmula dgn semalam..
smlm tgh ari ak brtolak dr jb ke mlaka..ak nek bus KKKL (jb-melaka)..
bus ak grak kul 3.30ptg..kbetulan plak bus yg ak nek smlm penuh ngan org putih (mat salleh ler)..
so lain la environment bus spanjang prjalanan nk ke melaka...ak duk kt sigle set..
sbelah ak ad sorg gadis org putih duk..die org plg last skali nek bus..nek2 bwk camera, beg gn krepek..
she always smile,she's very friendly...suka ak tgk die...
ak tgk die cm prtama kali dtg hometown...trpingga-pingga die cari tempat dduk..
she asked me "where the number set?"..i said "see below the set"..die ckp trima kasih...
die snyum ag..bahagia btol idup die..spanjang prjalan uw die tdo, agak nyer die pnat kot jln2 kt jb..
die selimut bdn die ngan selendang pelangi..comel nyer..ak x ngaggu die spanjang prjalanan uw.ak un tdo skali..
sampai kt tol ayer keroh, kami trjaga dr tdo..rupe nye dh sampai kt mlaka..die un kemas brg2 die..
die belek2 krepek die beli, cm confuse pe yg die beli..lalu die tnye ak..
"what the name of this food?", i told her "that is kerepek, it is traditional food from Johor. you should try it."
"ou, what food used to make kerepek?". "these kerepek made from potatoes, and it little spicy."
"wow, it really must be delicious."
die tnye plak psal bahulu. "bahulu such as what food?". "bahulu just like a pancakes, there have variety flavors like vanilla, pandan, chocolate".."wow, i can't to eat traditional food from look very interesting and delicious"
die snyum ag..
smpi mc jer...ak meperkenalkan diri ak, umur...ak slm tgn die..
"hi, my name is nawa..i came from johor and i studying at melaka...actually where are you came from?"
"hi, my name is terannice and i came from england.."
"how old are you, i'm 22","i'm 23"
"you are very nice and should visit melaka because melaka is the historical city in the world, too much history at here"
"yeah..i can't wait to visit around melaka..nice to meet you"
kami akhri pngenalan kami ngn salam nyer moment uw..syg nyer ak x dpt snap gmbr ngan die..
pape un 1 day we will meet again teranice!!

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